Saturday, August 15, 2009

Khai Kruger Grey

We would like you to "meet" the almost newest addition to the Grey Family.

Khai Kruger Grey.

We went in for our 3D/4D scan yesterday, and were greeted by the sweetest little face. Khai was shy at first, hiding his face in my placenta, but after a few minutes turned to give us a peek into his world. The tech mentioned that he looks a lot like big brother Phoenix. I could definitely see that they have the same mouth (same as daddy, perfect for kisses), and it looks like they might have the same forehead as well, but it looks like Khai got my high cheek-bones. I am SO in love with this little boy! Like Phoenix he as LOTS of hair already, I could actually see it on the 2D scan, but we didn't get any pictures of it.
He weighs approximately 985g - standard for his gestational age. And everything else is perfectly healthy (heart, kidney's etc.)

It look like Phoenix is starting to understand that I have a baby in my belly. When ever he sees a baby he runs up to me, lifts my shirt and softly pats my belly and says "baba". This is very cute, but really not so cute in public places when I'm wearing one of my pre-pregnancy jeans, and have a top covering all the bits that is NOT looking so good, and then have an adorable toddler lifting up my shirt for all to see. (And if I stop him from lifting it I get a temper tantrum)
We take him with us to all the ultra-sound scan's, so when ever he sees an image on the screen (even if you can't make out what it is) he points and says "baba". Oh, and he HAS to sit ON the examining table with me.

Some of Phoenix's words include:
myno - MYNE (mine)
okoek - O KOEK (don't know how to explain that one in english)
Aghuu - LOVE YOU
igg - LIG (light)
aal - AAN (on)
aag - AF (off)
appo - APPEL (apple)
pie - PIESANG (Banana)
datie - DANKIE (Thank you)
du - DUMMY
Teddie - TEDDIE
boo boo - His favorite movie "BABY'S DAY OUT" The story is about a baby called boo-boo
Pap - PAP (Porridge)
Now my pregnancy brain kicked in again and I can't think of other words, there are LOTS more (like mamma & pappa) but thank goodness for that moment of clarity!D

He also Hums the Noddy song whenever he sees a picture of noddy, or if he wants to watch it.
He absolutely LOVES drawing, I can keep him busy literally for HOURS if I give him lost of paper and a pen. I leant the hard way not to leave him alone with pen in hand when he drew on our leather couches that we had to sell the next day. Luckily for us the guy who brought them (at an absolute bargain) just shrugged his shoulders and said "nothing leather dye can't fix.

Here are some pics of Khai!

Some pics of Phoenix (and us)

Phoenix doing his favorite thing - Drawing (note the scrabble on the table as well!)

All that drawing really wears you out!!

Hanging with Lila's boys (Justin & Xander)


Mom & Dad


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