Monday, November 19, 2007

Home sweet home…

We’re finally home!! This week has been so amazing!!! We’re really really REALLY tired, but it is all SOO worth it, and we just LOVE being parents!!!! Jon-Phoenix is the most amazing little being we have ever seen!!

Thus far he has been a perfect baby!! He feeds every 3 hours basically just sleeps the rest of the time!!! He just seems so content, and we love him so much!!!!

For me, the first day was a daze, I was so tired and overwhelmed!! Daniel has been so perfect and amazing, right from day one. I really have to say, I knew he was going to be a great dad, but he is a great dad, and more, I can’t even describe it, it makes me so proud to see him with his son! He is just unbelievable, and so natural, from the second he first held Jon-Phoenix, like he was born to be a dad!! I have just fallen even more in love with Daniel!!!

I think so far I’ve done about 4 nappies; my wonderful husband does them the rest of the time. In fact, the first time I did a nappy was when Jon-Phoenix was 2 days old, and they left him with me for the night for the very first time – it was so overwhelming. It was the first time I REALLY got to hold him, and love him, and just have him all for myself. And I don’t know if it is because I had a c-section, but that was also the first time that I REALLY REALLY felt that he is MY baby!! It was great, I loved every second of that night!!!

We went home on the 15th of November. Jon-Phoenix is a bit jaundiced, so we have to put him in direct sunlight for a couple of minutes a day, but other than that he is perfectly healthy, and perfectly perfect!!!


A couple of hours old with Ouma and Oupa Jan and Elise Grey


First night alone with mommy


Making foot-prints.....
on the wall
4 days old
PhotobucketMeeting cousins Kaelin and Chloe
Great gran Joyce
With oupa Jan

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jon-Phoenix is here!!!!!!

So I was suppose to go for my C-section on Tuesday 13 November. Well, our little man decided that 12 November would be a better date for him! (Avoiding all the Friday the 13th birthdays to come - Dad is VERY happy about this!!!)

About 7:30am Monday morning (12 Nov.) I started getting cramps, I thought it was probably labor, but decided to just time them without telling Daniel, thus avoiding a rush to hospital, just to be sent home because of false labor..... They were about 15 mins. Apart, and was accompanied by heavy sweating, nausea, dizziness and vomiting. about 45 mins later Daniel came to check on me and I told him something is not right, I think I'm in labor but I am REALLY feeling bad, I don't know what's going on. He phoned the dr. and they told us to come in immediately.
Daniel was SOOOO excited!!! You could just see it on his face!!! He had that look you get when you really really want something, and someone gives you a present, and you just KNOW in your heart of hearts that the box you're about to open is that something that you wanted!!!

I did pack the baby's bag the previous night, naively thinking that I would have a WHOLE day before my c-section to pack my bag, SOO My sweet sweet husband started frantically packing all HIS t-shirts in a bag for me!! He of course was more worried and excited, and scared than I was, I mean I would have been all those things if I was not in so much pain, I just did not have the time to think of all my other emotions!!

We got in the car, hospital bag and all and started our 30-minute drive to the hospital.

About 10 minutes into the drive Daniel asked me: "Aren't you having anymore contractions?
Me: "Yes, I'm having them all the time" (I'm not really the screaming type, so every time I have a contraction I would just silently try to breathe through them)
Daniel: "But you HAVE to tell me when you have them, I'm part of this too!!!!!!"
So I did, they were 7 mins. apart by now. I specifically remember the weather that day, I don't know why, it was the most beautiful, sunny summer's morning I have seen in YEARS!!!

By the time we got to the dr. I was still convinced that they were going to send me home, even though my contractions were about 5 mins. apart. The Dr. ran some tests and it was confirmed that I had Pre-eclampsia. I was 4 CM dilated, and they decided to do an emergency c-section half an hour later.

Jon-Phoenix Grey was born screaming on 12 November at 11:45am, 2.75KG, and 47cm long!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!
The pediatrician was taking a video for us, and Daniel was taking photos. He was so overwhelmed when he first saw his son, that he was unable to take a picture (the dr. was holding our baby up so that Daniel could take a pic.) We all had to encourage him to do it, he just said, "I can't" It was so sweet!!! We did get a pic eventually!!!"

He has a head full of brown hair, and is such a relaxed and easy baby (so far)

We prayed so much for a healthy baby, and God has blessed us with one!!

Thank you God for our healthy baby!!!!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pregnancy pics!!

I just wanted to share some of my favorite pregnancy pictures. Daniel took them a couple of weeks ago….
